
If you keep your eyes wide shut you might catch a glimpse of a performance or two, a sizzle, a spark, and collision with the fantastical may include you if you’re in the right place at the right time. Where does the line blur between the performer and the audience? Wanna meet us there? Let yourselves be confused.. Good luck with that!

Airhotels Rooftoptiger

The floating space, sheltered in the treetops, if you get very still, you may catch a glimpse of princess Mononoke. Beautiful and playful, like something designed by the mad hatter, Magritte and Mother Goose, fully embracing Rooftoptiger’s nomattitude.

Cabinet of Curiosities

Waiting to be discovered by those daring enough to seek us. There’s no telling when you might come across one of our fellows. They say curiosity killed the cat, but where’s the evidence? Venture forth into the realm of the absurd, let mischief be your guide.

Humanjuices presents CONEHEADS

In response to complaints of traffic, roadworks and bad uniforms, the CONEHEADS appeared in their blinding fluorescents to clean up fashionably. They are Waking Life’s unofficial traffic patrol, determined to keep the site safe, functional and sssensual.


A slime-mold Phyzickist who lives in a (w)hole in the void with dozens of feral pups currently on an End of the World Tour with the Daughters of Shit has just dropped in. Hacking garbage and merging back into the wilderness with a series of anti-human/natur-izing devices, waste brought to war-life from the edges of the pit. BEWARE: Animist machines descending from the shadowy sky claw at the mind, inject it with something outside free will, and glide across the surface of reality, thumping and seething.

Hidden Dreams

A secret quest. Whispers of an underground journey. Nerds rejoice! The devil is in the details. If fortune favours your path, you may discover hidden gems and vaporous dreams. Seek the eyes, gather artefacts, and don’t be late tomb raiders…


Find Miranda, she won’t help you.


Puerto Rican punk-DIY performance collective meets Lisboan free noise band to jointly fuck with institutional norms. Improvisational street-theatricality meets discarded couch stuffing and fearlessness.

Transcendental Ribbon – Daisy Faircluff

A chaos clown, soul disturber, shadow dweller, unhinged reality fiddler, a sordid attempt at healing through the portal of the meaningless immortal unknown. Face the void with grace and an undeterred lack of identity, laugh in the face of your darkest pains, and resurface again, or not. It gets weird.

Under Play Rita Irritada & Ria Haha

Today, we came here to play. What is life if not a playground? Who activates play if not you, yourselves? Why so serious? It’s not all so still. What are norms if not rules? What are ideas if not propositions? Dare to play, it’s as fun as you shake it.

You spin me round babyPedreira

Spin me! Spin them! Spin baby! Find the metal bathtub with four wheels and ask them to shake you around, round baby like a record, round round.